Tell Your Startup Story - Plus 1-on-1 Coaching
Tools of the Trade - Includes two 1-on -1 Coaching Calls with Nicole
This course, is designed to help you Tell Your Startup Story! Whether you are planning to raise money from investors, or are looking at funding alternatives such as crowdfunding, bootstrapping or pursuing grant funding you still need to tell your compelling startup story.
This course gets you behind the scenes with an experienced entrepreneur, coach and mentor so you better understand, how to communicate your startup vision up front to partners, customers, potential employees as well as financial and busines partners.
Don't kid yourself, many entrepreneurs fail in their attempts to build their startup, even if they have a great concept, strong team and are willing work hard. Why? Many times it's because they don't know what they don't know, and they fail to tell their story in a clear and compelling way. Don't let that be you!
The first job of an entrepreneur is to attract the resources they need, this course can help you get there.
For Serious Entrepreneurs who sign up during our Launch Period, the course price is $200 off the regular price! For the discounted price of only $799, you get over 2 hours of content to help you Tell Your Story PLUS 2 coaching calls totaling 1 hour and 45 minutes of 1-on-1 coaching insights from an experienced entrepreneur who has raised millions of dollars! After the launch period, the course will go back to its regular $999 price.
If you complete this course, you will better understand how to tell your startup story in a clear and compelling way. You will be able to develop all the tools you need, right alongside the tutorials including an elevator pitch, email pitch, executive summary and pitch deck.
Nicole Toomey Davis
Introduction to Telling your Story
How Can this Course Help You?
Background - Tools of the Trade to Tell Your Story
3 Be In The Market
Where Are YOU In Your Market - SWOT Analysis
4 KnowThyself
Know Thyself Handout
Who are Your Big Friends?
Thoughts on "Themes"
Identify Your Theme
Develop Your Elevator Pitch
Your Turn Elevator Pitch Outlines
Elevate Your Elevator Pitch
Setting up your First Coaching Call - Discussing Your Market Assessments and Elevator Pitch
Execute an Amazing Executive Summary
Your Awesome Pitch Deck - Part 1
Your Awesome Pitch Deck - Part 2
Comments on Financials
Tools of the Trade - Finessing your Financials
Schedule your Second and Final 1-on-1 Coaching Call with Nicole - 1 Hour - Executive Summary and (optional) Pitch Deck
Bonus Content - Alternatives to Investor Financing to Consider